• May 29, 2024

      FuelEU for thought: new regulation leaves DoC holder with fuel liabilities risk, says OceanScore

      Implementation of the FuelEU Maritime regulation from 2025 presents an accountability dilemma for shipping as it is currently the Document of Compliance (DoC) holder that will be held responsible for fuel selection and could therefore face penalties – contrary to the ‘polluter pays’ principle, according to OceanScore.
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    • May 28, 2024

      Greek shipping getting to grips with EU ETS compliance issues amid mounting emissions costs, says OceanScore

      Validation of voyage emissions data and contractual arrangements for allocation of EU ETS costs remain key challenges for Greek shipowners as they face an estimated total €335m bill this year, potentially rising to €1bn once the regulation is fully implemented, according to OceanScore.
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    • April 24, 2024

      ‘Big opportunity’ for bunker traders, suppliers on upcoming FuelEU regulation, forecasts OceanScore

      ‘Fossil Methanol is disastrous from a well-to-tank perspective due to its low energy efficiency but many biofuels present certain advantages,’ shares Albrecht Grell.
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    • April 11, 2024

      Shippers will have foot the final bill for greener shipping

      Carriers will have to rely on cargo-owners’ willingness to pay a healthy surcharge for greener shipping, in order to recover the cost of ‘significantly more expensive’ green methanol fuel.
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    • April 10, 2024

      Singapore’s EU ETS liabilities of €330m can accelerate green shipping initiatives, says OceanScore

      Singapore-registered vessels will be required to contribute a significant €330m share of Asian shipping’s total emissions liabilities under the EU ETS, underlining the importance of the Lion City as a key maritime hub for global trade and decarbonisation, according to OceanScore.
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    • April 9, 2024

      Issue of decarbonisation to dominate talks at SMW

      But much of the industry remains preoccupied with the newly implemented European Union Emissions Trading Scheme, and would prefer a simple levy on bunker consumption
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    • April 4, 2024

      Albrecht Grell: Würde ETS-Klauseln schnell klären, wenn ich Reeder wäre

      Albrecht Grell, einer der Geschäftsführer von OceanScore, verrät im aktuellen HANSA Podcast, was Reedereien jetzt im Hinblick auf den EU-Emissionshandel unternehmen sollten und was das Hamburger Unternehmen mit seiner EU-ETS-Lösung als nächstes vorhat.
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    • March 27, 2024

      OceanScore identifies EU ETS best practice to tackle ‘strategy gaps’ on compliance

      Many shipping companies are still striving to define their strategy for EU ETS compliance some 90 days after implementation of the complex regulation, according to OceanScore, as it leverages lessons learned from clients to date to define best practice.
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    • March 15, 2024

      CEO of Hapag-Lloyd, one of world’s top ocean shippers, says the outlook has changed for the global economy

      While the Red Sea issues have resulted in a shipping container rate spike, Hapag-Lloyd is forecasting a decrease in its earnings this year as costs increase related to the trade diversions from the Red Sea.
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    • March 13, 2024

      Cape diversions see box shipping EU ETS outlays leap by 191%

      Persistent missile attacks by Houthi rebels on ships plying the Red Sea route have led to soaring emissions liabilities for shipping companies under the recently introduced emissions trading scheme for shipping created by the European Union (EU ETS) as lengthy voyage diversions for Europe-bound vessels have multiplied fuel consumption, according to Hamburg-based maritime technology firm OceanScore.
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    • March 12, 2024

      Rerouting pushing up ETS bill for containership operators

      Container lines have increased sailing speeds to maintain schedules on the longer routing around the Cape of Good Hope. But the extra fuel burn will mean higher emissions costs for voyages to Europe
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    • March 12, 2024

      OceanScore analysis shows near-tripling of EU ETS costs due to Red Sea crisis

      Persistent missile attacks by Houthi on ships plying the Red Sea route have led to soaring emissions liabilities for shipping companies under the EU ETS as lengthy voyage diversions for Europe-bound vessels have multiplied fuel consumption, according to OceanScore.
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